Now this product will require you to trim the automobile windshield chip repair area and then sand around the area about to out with a heavier grit sandpaper like a grit this gives it something to bite too. Trim down into the foam a little to, so that you make like a little groove for the compound to lay in.

If you have a leak it's very frustrating. But spending thousands of dollars on interior pieces or your electrical system will make you even more frustrated. You need to call your auto glass company and have it fixed immediately.
Some would ask, "Repair or replace?" Considering the pricey cost of windshield replacement, one would rather choose a rock chip repair kit. This specific line of kit is widely available in shops online and local and if you want to try the benefits of having them, shop around and get one for yourself and for your auto's need.
Now you have 3 options. You can pay out of pocket, you can have your insurance company cover the cost, or you can do the repair yourself. The cost out of pocket will vary from $30-$60, depending on the company you chose. Filing with insurance is easy because it is no cost to you, and the auto glass repair company deals with the paperwork. You can also attempt the repair yourself, but if you do not feel comfortable, i would suggest calling a professional. There is a good step by step windshield repair Instructable available, as well as other information online.
Windshields, surprisingly, bear almost 70% of the roof's weight on itself. So it makes sense to keep the glass serviced and maintained. A small crack can cause an accident in the car. This is because the windshield is put under high stress when it is placed. Serious accidents can occur when driving at high speeds. Auto Glass Specialists suggest regular check up and maintenance of the windshield.
Windshield chips and cracks can usually be patched for under $90. You're going to pay hundreds to replace the whole thing. In this case, your best bet is to keep hunting for auto insurance quotes and pay the repairs out of pocket.